Oval shape, Early maturity, Fruit weight: 140-170 gr, resistant to TY, Vertsilium & Fusarium, Tonnage: 150 to 180 tons per hectare

Round shape, Early maturity, Fruit weight: 130 -150 gr , firmness fruit, Ability to transport long distances, resistant to TY, Tonnage: 130 to 150 tons per hectare

Cherry tomato, Ability to adapt to different weather conditions, Dark red, Fruit weight: 9 -12 gr, resistant to TY, Vertsilium & Fusarium, Suitable for single picking
Blocky shape, Ability to adapt to different weather conditions, Dark red, Fruit weight: 130 -150 gr, Tonnage: 130 to 150 tons per hectare, Resistant to TY, Along with Calix

Round shape, Middle maturity, Color: Red, Along with Calix, resistant to TY, Tonnage: 150 to 170 tons per hectare

Oval shape, Middle maturity, Fruit weight: 120 -140 gr, Dark red, resistant to TY, Tonnage: 100 to 120 tons per hectare

Round shape, Middle maturity, Fruit weight: 150 -170 gr, firmness fruit, Ability to transport long distances, resistant to TY, Tonnage: 150 to 170 tons per hectare

Oval shape, Middle maturity, Excellent coverage, Color: Red, Along with Calix, resistant to TY, Tonnage: 120 to 150 tons per hectare

Blocky shape, Early maturity, Ability to adapt different weather conditions, Fruit weight: 130 -150 gr, resistant to TY.

Oval shape, Middle maturity, Excellent coverage, Color: Red, Along without Calix, resistant to TY